open science

Open science

Elsevier partners with the research community to empower open science

Working together, we can achieve a more inclusive, collaborative and transparent world of research. We believe open science can benefit research and society and drive research performance.


Here are some of the ways in which we are supporting open science.

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More inclusive

More collaborative

More transparent

More Inclusive

There are more options for researchers to share more kinds of research outputs than ever before. We support a more open and inclusive research experience through our journals, tools and platforms

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More Collaborative

We provide platforms and partner in programs that facilitate collaboration. We help bring other stakeholders, including the public, into the world of research.

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More Transparent

We're helping raise the bar on reproducibility, enabling researchers to share their methods and data and to gain more complete insight into research performance

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Open access

Elsevier is a leading open access publisher and has a range of open access options.

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Research data

Elsevier supports researchers and institutions to store, share, discover, and effectively (re)use research data.

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Science & society

Elsevier is improving how science is communicated and understood by specialized and general audiences.

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Research integrity

We are committed to promote the integrity of research through a range of activities and initiatives – like offering free author training on publication ethics and providing transparency in author contributor roles.

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UK Collaboration

The aim of the Open Science Partnership is for Jisc, Elsevier and the UK research sector to work together to enable the design and development of new methods to support Open Science in the UK

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NL Collaboration

Organisations representing the Dutch research community (VSNUNFUNWO) and Elsevier together formed a unique open science partnership.

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Position statements

We are committed to making our written submissions and evidence open and transparent for everyone to read.

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Taking societal impact ‘from ivory tower to town square’
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